Last year we all made some donations which meant that we could send Penlan foodbank some Advent calendars with the Christian Bible story. I asked the foodbank if they would like some this year and this was the reply:-
‘With the advent calendars yes, they were very much appreciated and we had some lovely feedback about the fact they include a story. As for how many it’s difficult to say really, last year with the ones yourselves donated and others we received we gave out approximately 40, but obviously we wouldn’t expect you to provide that many, we would be greatly appreciative of any you could donate. Once again, thank you for your continued support, it really means a lot. Annaliese’
So I am asking again – would we like to donate? We have so many demands on our time and money but I love the thought that these calendars and Christian Bible stories are shared with the families.
The cost of each calendar is £5
Thank you for your thoughts and support.
Please contact Caroline Buckler